What is Soluble Fibre food?
Soluble fibre is a plant food component that dissolves in water, forming a viscous material.
What Soluble Fibre Does:
It helps you eat less
The soluble fibre gel slows down the passage of food through the stomach, making us feel full for a longer time after eating a meal.
Lowers the risk of heart attacks or strokes
The principal reason for those diseases is having a high cholesterol level. The cholesterol in excess accumulates on the inner walls of blood vessels, causing them to gradually narrow. The narrowing develops into a full blockage in the form of a heart attack or stroke.
Soluble fibre or fibre in the diet reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, decreasing this risk.
Controls blood sugar level
Soluble fibre also slows down glucose absorption into the bloodstream, stabilizing blood sugar levels. It reduces insulin necessities, being especially helpful for people who have diabetes.
These people, however, should carefully monitor their fruit intake, as fruits are not only rich in fibre but also in sugars.
Good Sources of Soluble Fibre
- legumes (peas, kidney beans, lentils)
- Oatmeal and oat bran
- Brown rice, barley
- Pectin-rich fruits, like citrus fruits, apples and pears
- Carrots
- Broccoli